Embracing Chaos and Creating Memories: Our Epic Fan Fusion Road Trip Adventure!

CAPS LOCK ORIGINAL at Phoenix Fan Fusion recap cover photo

In this throwback blog post, we dive into the hilarious and heartwarming tale of a group of friends who embarked on an unforgettable journey to the Phoenix Fan Fusion. From flying tarps to mistaken restroom stops, our road trip was a rollercoaster of mishaps that tested their patience, strengthened their bonds, and left them with cherished memories.

Conquering the World, One Product at a Time

Pre-Convention mayhem and inventory for Phoenix Fan Fusion with CAPS LOCK ORIGINAL

With enthusiasm akin to conquering the world, our group set off on a mission to showcase their products at the Phoenix Fan Fusion. Armed with dreams and determination, we hit the open road ready to leave our mark on the anime convention scene. Little did we know, the world had its own plans – plans that would lead us on a detour of chaotic hilarity.

Team before setting off on our journey to Phoenix Fan Fusion

"Pull-Over" Moments and Unplanned Adventures

As the miles stretched ahead, it became apparent that this road trip was no ordinary journey. The road was lined with a series of "pull-over" moments that turned mundane pit stops into unforgettable anecdotes. From a tarp taking flight in the wind to comical navigation mishaps that led to reversing out of a rest stop, each twist and turn brought its own share of laughter and camaraderie.

CAPS LOCK ORIGINAL team fixing the tarp

Bathroom Break Misadventures

One can't embark on a road trip without encountering a few restroom-related escapades. We had our fair share of bathroom break misadventures, most notably mistaking a closed gas station restroom for a welcome relief point. The other entering a rest stop the wrong way and having to back out the trailer and van from a one way freeway entrance. The hilarity of the situation wasn't lost on us – it became a source of amusement and a memory that would be recounted with laughter for years to come.

Cherishing the Chaos

In the face of chaos, frustration could have easily taken over. But we chose a different path – we embraced the unexpected with open arms and hearts full of laughter. Every challenge became an opportunity to bond, every mishap a chance to create a lasting memory. It's a reminder that sometimes, it's the unplanned moments that make a journey truly unforgettable.

CAPS LOCK ORIGINAL team enjoying the journey


Conquering the Convention with Purpose

While the road trip to Phoenix Fan Fusion was filled with laughter and shenanigans, it's important to note that our group wasn't just all play and no work. Amidst the hilarious mishaps and pit stop adventures, we were on a mission to conquer the convention scene with our products. The journey wasn't solely about enjoying the ride; it was about making our mark in the world of fandom and showcasing our hard work and creativity. And to note we are serious about our work. (LOL)

Having fun at Phoenix Fan Fusion convention with CAPS LOCK ORIGINAL team

Setting Up for Success: Our Impressive Booth

As we arrived at the convention, it was clear that our preparation and attention to detail had paid off. Our booth setup was nothing short of spectacular. From eye-catching displays to interactive elements that drew attendees in, our setup was a testament to the passion and dedication we poured into our products. And the best part? The compliments were pouring in! Attendees and fellow vendors alike couldn't help but marvel at the creativity and thoughtfulness that went into our booth design.

CAPS LOCK ORIGINAL booth display at Phoenix Fan Fusion

Savoring Phoenix's Delights: Outings and Culinary Adventures

Beyond the convention walls, our road trip extended into the heart of Phoenix, where we savored the local delights and enjoyed some unforgettable outings. The city offered a plethora of culinary adventures, from sizzling Southwestern cuisine to tantalizing international flavors. Exploring the local food scene became an integral part of our journey, as we discovered hidden gems and shared delicious meals that added flavor to our adventure.

Good eats with CAPS LOCK ORIGINAL team

Luxury and Laughter: Our Remarkable Hotel Experience

Our accommodation during the trip was nothing short of exceptional, adding another layer of luxury and enjoyment to our escapade. The hotel became more than just a place to rest – it was a retreat where we relaxed, recharged, and shared moments of camaraderie. The highlight? Walking into the hotel bar and being greeted with the unexpected joy of free drinks. It was a delightful bonus that perfectly complemented the overall experience of our unforgettable road trip.

CAPS LOCK ORIGINAL hotel bar and food bonus


Hidden Gem: A Speakeasy Surprise

Amidst the lively adventure of the Fan Fusion Road Trip, we stumbled upon a slice of the past in Phoenix – a speakeasy that whisked us back to the Roaring Twenties. Tucked away in an unassuming alley, the entrance opened to reveal an ambiance of dim lights, vintage décor, and a sense of mystery. Inside, expert mixologists crafted drinks that were more than beverages – they were artistic creations. As laughter and conversation filled the air, we savored every sip and shared story. This speakeasy encounter became a treasure amid our road trip, reminding us that unexpected moments hold the power to become cherished memories.

CAPS LOCK ORIGINAL team enjoying drinks at speak easy


The Fan Fusion Road Trip was an amalgamation of moments – from the convention success to the engaging setup, the culinary adventures to the luxury hotel experience. Through all these sections of our journey, one thing remained consistent: the bond of friendship and the spirit of adventure that kept us going. As we reflect on the convention's triumph, our impressive booth, the city's delights, and the memorable hotel stay, we're reminded that life's greatest journeys are those that combine purpose with pleasure, hard work with play, and laughter with cherished memories.

The Road Less Traveled

Our story serves as a reminder that life's greatest adventures often come from the road less traveled. The road trip to Fan Fusion was not just a physical journey, but a journey of self-discovery and friendship. Through the mishaps, the wrong turns, and the laughter, they discovered the joy of embracing the present moment and finding beauty in the unexpected.

Creating New Chapters

As the adventure continues and the road calls once more, our group of friends looks forward to more convention mishaps, laughter-filled memories, and perhaps a few more zipties along the way. Their story teaches us that life's greatest tales are not the perfectly planned ones, but the ones where chaos and spontaneity reign supreme.


The Fan Fusion Road Trip shenanigans are a testament to the fact that life's best stories are often written in the margins, in the moments where the unexpected takes center stage. As we follow our adventurers on their journey, we're reminded to embrace the chaos, treasure the camaraderie, and relish the memories that come from the twists and turns of the open road. So, as they buckle up for another adventure, let's raise a toast to the road trips that challenge our sanity and fill our hearts with stories that will be told for generations to come.